College Search
Big Future - College Board's College SearchResearch almost 4,000 colleges using a wide variety of categories.
NCAA Division I Members - The NCAA's list of website links for all Division I members.
NCAA Division II Members - The NCAA's list of website links for all Divsion II members.
NCAA Division III Members - The NCAA's list of website links for all Division III members.
NCAA Member Institutions Interactive Map - Search all NCAA schools using this interactive map.
NCAA Members by Sport & Division - The NCAA's quick search tool to locate schools by sport and division.
NAIA Members - Search all NAIA member schools by sport.
NJCAA Members - Search junior colleges by region, sport, state or name.
Test Prep
Khan Academy/College Board - Free SAT prep materials provided by Khan Academy in partnership with the College Board (creators of the SAT).
NCAA Core Courses
Look up your high school's list of approved NCAA core courses.
Financial Aid
U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Aid (FSA) - The FSA programs are the largest source of student aid in America, providing nearly 70% of all student financial aid. - was established in the fall of 1994 as a public service. This award-winning site has grown into the most comprehensive annotated collection of information about student financial aid on the web.
FastWeb - FastWeb is the Internet's leading scholarship search service. FastWeb lets students create a personalized profile that can be matched against an expansive databases of colleges and scholarships. The oldest and most popular free online scholarship service.
College Board's Scholarship Search - Find scholarships, other financial aid and internships from more than 2,200 programs, totaling nearly $6 billion. - Since our founding in 1998, has helped students find money for college as well as learn about the entire financial aid process.